Architectural Visualisers and CAD Modelling Services


Non-Photo Real Images


In 1939, the famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright devised the term 'organic' to describe the free-flowing unity between nature and the built environment.  It changed the way we view buildings and many other aspects of design.


The free-flowing sketch lines of non-photo real images are unobtrusive.  We believe that non-photo real images are the 'organic' equivalent in CAD.


In comparison with a photo real image, research shows that non-photo real images have more of an impact at the early design stage.  Studies show that non-photo real images are more memorable and open to suggestion.





We have found that our non-photo real images are beneficial at the conceptual stage of any project.


Useful for communicating ideas and highlighting main design features, they are a cost-effective addition, or alternative, to a photo-real image.
